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We are all in this together. We will continue to work with the community throughout construction to lessen the impact on neighborhoods and businesses.

As the city and county grow, our roads, including Pleasant Street, must support this growth. We want to remain proactive when it comes to development and growth, and improving Pleasant Street allows us to be forward-thinking in our infrastructure.

We will oversee this project with fiscal responsibility and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. There are multiple funding sources for the project, and we are committed to keeping this project on budget.

The best is yet to come for Noblesville. Reimagine Pleasant Street is more than just a road project – it’s a strategic transformation of Noblesville to support the future.


The Reimagine Pleasant Street project is a multi-year initiative that will result in improved east-west connectivity and accessibility for our growing City of Noblesville. The roadway design will provide Noblesville residents, local businesses, and key stakeholders with many improvements that will enhance mobility and public safety while also honoring the urban character and historic features of the project area. Key stakeholders include the City of Noblesville and Hamilton County.


Talk of improving east-west mobility in Noblesville has existed since the 1980s, and an official study was completed in 1987. The City of Noblesville, in partnership with Hamilton County, has conducted numerous Pleasant Street and White River Bridge Crossing feasibility studies over the ensuing years, all with the goal of providing a viable east-west corridor to relieve traffic congestion in downtown Noblesville. These studies can be found on the Project Documents page

The project team completed the alternatives analysis and recommended the revised Pleasant Street corridor as the preferred alternative. The Indiana Department of Transportation reviewed the analysis and allowed the project to proceed with the preferred alternative. This approval was an important step that allowed the city to seek additional funding sources.

In February 2022, the City of Noblesville received a total of $8.5 million from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) for Phase 1 of the Pleasant Street project, which includes $1.5 million for the Midland Trace Trail that will be constructed as part of the project.


The Pleasant Street project isn’t just for cars; the corridor also provides connectivity for three major trails that will enhance the pedestrian and bicycle network through the heart of Noblesville.  The project will extend the Midland Trace Trail throughout the project limits, connecting with the Riverwalk Trail and the Nickel Plate Trail.  

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Plum Prairie Historic District

City officials have been working with the community to identify and minimize impacts to our local historic resources. The project team recognized the Plum Prairie Historic District by adjusting the original alignment and reducing the number of building demolitions within the district from 23 buildings to 4 buildings. In coordination with the Indiana State Historic Board of Preservation, the city has also committed to enhancing the district by creating and funding a residential façade grant program for residents to improve exterior details of their buildings. The program provides $150,000 over three years for improvements to the city’s historic districts, with $75,000 specifically designated to the Plum Prairie Historic District.


Because of the size of the project, construction will consist of three phases.

  • Phase 1 improves traffic flow in Noblesville by building a new bridge over the White River. Construction began in winter 2022 and will continue through 2024.

  • The second phase will improve existing Pleasant Street from 10th Street to SR 37. Construction of this phase will begin in the winter of 2023 with the bulk of construction taking place in 2024 and 2025.

  • The third phase will connect Pleasant Street from River Road to SR 32 at the Hague Road intersection. Construction of this phase will begin in the winter of 2023 with the bulk of construction taking place in 2024 and 2025.

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Mayor Video
Project Overview

City of Noblesville

16 South 10th Street

Noblesville, IN 46060

TEL 317.773.4614

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